
Maragon Olympus


Team name: Maragon Solar Eagles
Car name: Olympus
Country: South Africa
Class: Challenger

The Maragon Olympus is one of only two vehicles entered by high school teams, competing against world class cars in the Challenger class.

Established in 2013 to motivate students to follow science and engineering careers, the Olympus team forms part of the Maragon Solar Education Programme. It brings together elements of engineering, communication, marketing, logistics and project management.

Olympus weighs 280 kg and goes from 0 – 100 km/h in only seven seconds. It’s made of carbon fibre and resin, and the project has the biggest team in the Sasol Solar Challenge with 45 members.

A six square metre solar array slightly thicker than paper will soak up the sun and charge the 74V battery to power the electric motors in its two front wheels.

The 2016 car has had many improvements, including improved solar panels, suspension, aerodynamics (through extensive 3D modelling), telemetry (to allow the team to monitor Olympus’ vitals) and safety.

Follow this young but well-staffed team on their journey on Facebook, here.



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