
Sasol Solar Challenge and Jumping Kids join forces



Click on the icons below for more information about the 2016 Sasol Solar Challenge:

The Jumping Kids Foundation joined this year’s exhilarating Sasol Solar Challenge, an eight day journey across South Africa in vehicles powered by sunlight alone.

Jumping Kids has been providing prosthetic solutions to South African children since 2009. In the spirit of changing lives, encouraging learning and moulding young minds, Jumping Kids efforts align well with one of the main objectives of the Sasol Solar Challenge, which is to create awareness and excitement for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in tomorrow’s bright young leaders. The Sasol Solar Challenge team joined forces with Jumping Kids as both organisations promote the importance of education, innovation and technology.

According to Michael Stevens, Manager at Jumping Kids, “Many young children living with leg amputations are unable to access advanced prosthetic technology. This is where we come in to offer support as an organisation. Our vision is to give all children the ability to play run, climb and jump like any able-bodied child,” he shared.

Stevens and the Jumping Kids team visited schools along the journey of the Sasol Solar Challenge in the hope of educating those in need on the value of prostheses, and the organisation’s revolutionary four-step prosthetic technology that can be fitted in the most rural of circumstances.

“As a business, we are committed to impacting the communities around us in a positive way. Having the Jumping Kids team on the Solar Challenge journey with us gave both our organisations the unique opportunity of bringing a positive change to the people who need it most,” added Richard Hughes, Group Sponsorship Manager at Sasol.

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