
Media Centre

For any media enquiries, please contact

High-resolution, print-ready photography for 2024 Sasol Solar Challenge can be found here.

Please credit photographers as tagged in photo metadata, or contact for queries, captions and more information.

Sasol Solar Challenge sets sights on 2022 event, cancelling 2021 event amidst COVID-19 spike

The 2021 Sasol Solar Challenge (SSC) will be deferred to 2022. The decision comes as South Africa and other countries experience a spike in COVID-19 cases, putting Challenge participants at

2020 Sasol Solar Challenge postponed to early 2021

The 2020 Sasol Solar Challenge (SSC) has been postponed until early 2021. The event is provisionally scheduled to take place from 21 to 25 February 2021 instead of September 2020 as

Mzansi get ready for the 2021 Sasol Solar Challenge!

High-resolution, print ready photography for the 2018 and 2016 events can be found here. Please credit photographers as tagged in photo metadata, or contact. for queries, captions and more information.

Blog: Chasing the sun: Bridgestone World Solar Challenge 2019

As a young boy, and still to this day, I am fascinated by all things mobile and any related technology. This is what spurred me on to get involved as

Solar Energy

EXPLORE THE SASOL SOLAR CHALLENGE Click on the icons below for more information about the 2016 Sasol Solar Challenge: Spectator Teams Media Volunteer Event Information So what is solar energy

Sasol Solar Challenge visits your town

EXPLORE THE SASOL SOLAR CHALLENGE Click on the icons below for more information about the 2016 Sasol Solar Challenge: Spectator Teams Media Volunteer Event Information The 2014 Sasol Solar Challenge
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